15 December 2009

My Oath

I, a life-long Democrat, swear never to contribute money, work in a campaign, or vote for another Democrat or Republican for election to the United States Senate if the Senate fails to pass health care reform which includes either the "public option" or "medicare buy in"!

I urge every American to look for and support third party candidates at all levels to break the power of the corrupt and arrogant Senators on both sides of the aisle!!!!!!!!!

30 November 2009

Huckabee Soft on Crime?

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee gave clemency to suspected Seattle cop-killer Maurice Clemmons! Arkansas also quashed outstanding warrants for Clemmons when Pierce County, Washington police picked him up on their warrants. Arkansas saving a little money by shifting their responsibilities to another jurisdiction? Red State justice strikes again!

03 June 2009

6/4 + Charter 08

6/4 + Charter 08

镇压! 惨杀!

30 April 2009

The Other Shoe!

Here comes the collapse of the commercial property market--just when you were thinking things were looking a little bit better!

12 April 2009

The New York Times

The Once unassailable NY Times--"All the News that's fit to print"-- is leaning more to the Right than Pisa's tower!

How the mighty fall!

Smell the mendacity as she reaches the tipping point and goes over.

09 April 2009

Obama following Dubya's Blunders?

"You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia!"

Iraq? Afghanistan?

13 March 2009

Time to Get Back in the Pool?

Buy low! Sell high! Buy now? Might be a good time to screw your courage to the sticking place; jump back in the pool; and make some of your money back.

22 February 2009

If you had a choice of daycare run by . . .

If you had a choice of daycare run by

a) Rush Limbaugh

b) John Bolton

c) Alan Keyes

d) Dick Cheney

which one would most scare the crap out of you as a parent?