03 May 2007

Dems, Wanna to Get George Outta Baghdad???

STARVE THE BEAST!!! In the next emergency war spending bill roll back ALL the tax cuts for the rich and for favored industries UNTIL the war is FULLY amortized AND . . . THEN apply ALL the new revenue streams to shoring up SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE. The Bush loyals will race to see who can get out fastest!!!!

02 May 2007

Read: _A Corpse in the Koryo_ !

Originally uploaded by pinkie girl.
James Church's (pseud.) new novel is not a whodunnit, but it is compelling portrait of the intricacies of surviving the labyrinth of government work in the most isolated, yet politicized Marxisit-Leninist-socialist paradise on earth. If you are curious about life in the DPRK with its eternal president (still dead), hereditary "democratic" rule, military first ideology (선군사상 / 先軍思想), land of the great Arirang (아리랑) mass gymnastics cum incredible stadium card section, then this book by a former intelligence officer is the book for you!

Underneath the Eldritch Tree

As our ephermeral existance flashes by on the HD screen of life, watching the supporting players peripheral to our shabby lives in the background is like viewing passerby's from the cool beneath an eldritch tree.