16 August 2008

Did Cheney Sacrifice Georgia for McCain?

Did Cheney egg Saakashvili on to send troops into South Ossetia in order to elicit the Russian response which he anticipated in order to provide a distraction from the badly bungled economy and US military adventures? Has Georgia been sacrificed to make McCain seem a better choice for president in the new Cold War?

01 August 2008

The Merchant of Menace

John McCain, following in the Cheney-Bush-Rove footsteps, has adopted the lowest road strategy to try to get your votes. He's trying to sell you that the scary black man with the scary
name, if elected would cause a THIRD IRAQ WAR!

The second Iraq war was an invasion, based on lies, twisted intelligence, lies, and more lies in order to achieve a goal established before Bush was ever elected--secure Iraq's oil for Chevron and other big oil companies in preferential contracts. And McCain loves Bush, Bush's plans, Bush's BS, and Bush's BO.